
This web-app provides simple todo list and basic functionality.

Primary LanguageHTML

Todo Project

The project is based on storing list of todos. It provides simple UI to interact and perform basic operations like add and delete particular ToDo.


This project link todos to particular users, so that only that user can edit or delete his/her todos and no one else has that authentication.


It is build completely on front end as well as backend.

For front end it includes html, javascript, css. Backend is completely build on Nodejs using express as framework. Different npm packages are also installed for functioning of web-app. For storing todos it uses mongodb for databases.

Some of the core packages installed are:

  • express: It is web application framework for Nodejs.
  • ejs: It is a simple templating language that allowing embedding javascript with html.
  • passport: It provides user authentication in web app.


To clone entire repository run git clone https://github.com/suhailakhtar039/Todo-webapp.git on your machine.


The project is deployed on heroku with URL https://guarded-lowlands-93671.herokuapp.com/


  1. Go to URL provided. It will direct to homepage.
  2. To access the Todo you need to be the existing member or you can create a new id.
  3. Once created it will redirect you to dashboard where you can see all your todos. New todos can be added or can be removed also.