CronHelper is a lightweight TypeScript library for parsing cron expressions and calculating their next occurrences. It provides a simple and efficient way to work with cron schedules in your JS applications, now with timezone support!
- Parse standard cron expressions
- Calculate the next N occurrences of a cron schedule
- Support for all standard cron fields (minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week)
- Handles various cron syntax including ranges, lists, and steps
- NEW: Timezone support for accurate scheduling across different time zones
You can install CronHelper using npm:
npm install cron-helper
Or using yarn:
yarn add cron-helper
Here's a quick example of how to use CronHelper:
import { CronHelper } from 'cron-helper';
// Create a new CronHelper instance
const cronHelper = new CronHelper('*/15 * * * *');
// Get the next 5 occurrences
const nextOccurrences = cronHelper.getNextOccurrences(5);
This will output an array of the next 5 Date objects that match the cron expression "*/15 * * * *" (every 15 minutes).
You can specify a start date and optionally a timezone for calculating occurrences:
const startDate = new Date('2023-06-01T00:00:00Z');
const nextOccurrences = cronHelper.getNextOccurrences(5, startDate);
const startDate = new Date('2023-06-01T00:00:00Z');
const timezone = 'America/New_York';
const nextOccurrences = cronHelper.getNextOccurrences(5, startDate, timezone);
CronHelper supports the standard cron expression format with five fields:
* * * * *
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └─── day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday)
│ │ │ └───── month (1 - 12)
│ │ └─────── day of month (1 - 31)
│ └───────── hour (0 - 23)
└─────────── minute (0 - 59)
Supported syntax for each field:
: any value,
: value list separator-
: range of values/
: step values
Every 15 minutes:
const cron = new CronHelper('*/15 * * * *'); const occurrences = cron.getNextOccurrences(5, new Date());
At 10:30 AM every day in New York:
const cron = new CronHelper('30 10 * * *'); const occurrences = cron.getNextOccurrences(3, new Date(), 'America/New_York');
Every Monday at 9:00 AM in Sydney:
const cron = new CronHelper('0 9 * * 1'); const occurrences = cron.getNextOccurrences(2, new Date(), 'Australia/Sydney');
Every weekday at 6:00 PM in Paris:
const cron = new CronHelper('0 18 * * 1-5'); const occurrences = cron.getNextOccurrences(5, new Date(), 'Europe/Paris');
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This is a hobby project which I will keep developing weekly. Some future feature ideas are:
- Get Cron from string description
- Custom cron expressions (e.g., supporting seconds or years)
This project is licensed under the MIT License.