
Project Description For Netflix

Feature #1: Group Similar Titles

Feature #2: Fetch Top Movies

Feature #3: Find Median Age

Feature #4: Popularity Analysis

Feature #5: Fetch Most Recently Watched Titles

Feature #6: Fetch Most Frequently Watched Titles

Feature #7: Browse Ratings

Feature #8: Verify User Session

Feature #9: Movie Combinations of a Genre

Feature #10: Calculate Median of Buffering Events

Feature #11: Generate Movie Viewing Orders

Feature #12: Maintain Continue Watching Bar

Problem Map

DIY: Group Anagrams

DIY: Merge K Sorted Lists

DIY: Find Median from a Data Stream

DIY: Monotonic Array

DIY: LRU Cache

DIY: LFU Cache

DIY: Min Stack

DIY: Validate Stack Sequences

DIY: Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

DIY: Sliding Window Median

DIY: Permutations

DIY: Maximum Frequency Stack

Facebook Project Description for Facebook

Feature #1: Friend Circles

Feature #2: Copy Connections

Feature #3: Find Story ID

Feature #4: Request Limiter

Feature #5: Flag Words

Feature #6: Combine Similar Messages

Feature #7: Divide Posts

Feature #8: Overlapping Topics

Feature #9: Recreating the Decision Tree

Problem Map

DIY: Number of Islands

DIY: Number of Provinces

DIY: Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph

DIY: Clone Undirected Graph

DIY: Search in Rotated Sorted Array

DIY: Logger Rate Limiter

DIY: Expressive Words

DIY: Group Shifted Strings

DIY: Divide Chocolate

DIY: Minimum Window Substring

DIY: Construct a Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal

Search Engine

Project Description for Search Engine

Feature #1: Store and Fetch Words

Feature #2: Design Search Autocomplete System

Feature #3: Add White Spaces to Create Words

Feature #4: Suggest Possible Queries After Adding White Spaces

Feature #5: Calculate the Search Ranking Factor

Feature #6: Reorganizing Search Results

Feature #7: Find Searching Time

Feature #8: Distributed Process Coordinator

Feature #9: Finding Minimum Servers

DIY: Implement Trie

DIY: Suggest Relevant Sentences

DIY: Word Break

DIY: Word Break II

DIY: Product of Array Elements Except Itself

DIY: Reorganizing a String

DIY: Exclusive Time of Functions

DIY: Snapshot Array

DIY: Coin Change

DIY: Coin Change 2

DIY: Combination Sum

Google Calendar

Project Description for Google Calendar

Feature #1: Find Meeting Rooms

Feature #2: Show Busy Schedule

Feature #3: Check if Meeting is Possible

Feature #4: Schedule a New Meeting

Feature #5: Find Common Meeting Times

Feature #6: Find Two Sets of Consecutive Days

Feature #7: Longest Busy Period

Problem Map

DIY: Find Interval Sets

DIY: Merge Intervals

DIY: My Calendar

DIY: Insert Interval

DIY: Interval Lists Intersection

DIY: Employee Free Time

DIY: Find Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays Each with Target Sum

DIY: Longest Consecutive Sequence

Stock Scraper

Project Description for Stock Scraper

Feature #1: Traversing DOM Tree

Feature #2: Locating Stock Data

Feature #3: Traversing DOM Tree II

Feature #4: Maximum Profit

Problem Map DIY: Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

DIY: Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

DIY: Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III

DIY: Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node

DIY: Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II

DIY: Maximum Subarray

DIY: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock


Project Description for Uber

Feature #1: Select Closest Drivers

Feature #2: Path Cost

Feature #3: Plot and Select Path

Feature #4: Fare in Words

Feature #5: Uber Pool

Feature #6: Longest Route

Feature #7: Highest Rank

Feature #8: Optimal Path

Problem Map

DIY: K Closest Points to Origin

DIY: Trapping Rainwater

DIY: Evaluate Division

DIY: Integer to English Words

DIY: Random Pick with Weight

DIY: Diameter of Binary Tree

DIY: Kth Largest Element in an Array

DIY: Minimum Path Sum


Project Description for Amazon

Feature #1: Suggest Items for Free Delivery

Feature #2: Suggest Items for Special Offer

Feature #3: Upselling Products

Feature #4: Copy Product Data

Feature #5: Order Processing Milestones

Feature #6: Products Frequently Viewed Together

Feature #7: Optimize Delivery Cost

Feature #8: Merge Recommendations

Feature #9: Products in Price Range

Feature #10: Calculate the Total Cost of the Shopping Cart Items

Feature #11: Ad Serving

Feature #12: Warehouse and Drop Points

Feature #13: Time-Based Item Price Store

Feature #14: Find Similar Products

Problem Map

DIY: Two Sum

DIY: Three Sum

DIY: 3Sum Closest

DIY: Insert, Delete, and GetRandom in O(1)

DIY: Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates Allowed

DIY: Copy List with Random Pointer

DIY: Find First and Last Position of an Element in Sorted Array

DIY: Find All Anagrams in a String

DIY: Random Pick Index

DIY: Continuous Subarray Sum

DIY: Accounts Merge

DIY: Range Sum of BST

DIY: Basic Calculator II

DIY: Basic Calculator III

DIY: Read N Characters Given Read4 II — Call Multiple Times

DIY: Walls and Gates

DIY: Time-Based Key-Value Store

DIY: Intersection of Two Arrays


Project Description for Zoom

Feature #1: Display Meeting Lobby

Feature #2: Serialize and Deserialize Participant Data

Feature #3: Meeting Activity

Feature #4: Validate Sorted Participants Data

Feature #5: Auto Rotate in Mobile Devices

Problem Map

DIY: Binary Search Tree Iterator

DIY: Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree

DIY: Jump Game IV

DIY: Validate the Binary Search Tree

DIY: Rotate Image

Plagiarism Checker

Project Description for Plagiarism Checker

Feature #1: Possible Matches

Feature #2: Return Match

Problem Map

DIY: Number of Matching Subsequences

DIY: Minimum Window Subsequence


Project Description for Network

Feature #1: Total Time

Feature #2: TTL Expiry

Feature #3: Minimum Hops

Feature #4: Maximum Routers

Feature #5: Update VLAN ID

Feature #6: Transmission Error

Feature #7: Divide Files Over the Network

Feature #8: Maximum Clock Skew

Feature #9: Update Configuration

Feature #10: Minimum Variation

Feature #11: Weighted Exponential Back-off

Feature #12: Peak Signal Strength

Problem Map

DIY: Time Needed to Inform All Employees

DIY: All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree

DIY: Jump Game II

DIY: Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix

DIY: Flood Fill

DIY: Valid Palindrome II

DIY: Partition Labels

DIY: Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor

DIY: Rotting Oranges

DIY: Longest Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than Equal to Limit

DIY: Add Two Numbers

DIY: Add Two Numbers II

DIY: Find Peak Element

Cyber Security

Project Description for Cyber Security

Feature #1: Validate Packet Structure

Feature #2: Verify Message Integrity

Feature #3: Find Dictionary

Feature #4: Ways to Decode Message

Feature #5: Eligible Candidates

Problem Map

DIY: UTF-8 Validation

DIY: Verifying an Alien Dictionary

DIY: Alien Dictionary

DIY: Decode Ways

DIY: Find K Closest Elements

Operating System

Project Description for Operating System

Feature #1: Allocate Space

Feature #2: Resume Process

Feature #3: Schedule Processes

Feature #4: Compress File

Feature #5: Recover Files

Feature #6: File Management System

Feature #7: Serialize and Deserialize File System

Feature #8: Compress File II

Feature #9: File Search

Feature #10: Decode a Message

Feature #11: Directory Iterator

Feature #12: Priority Validation

Feature #13: Reverse Commands

Feature #14: Releasing Process Lock

Feature #15: Queue Reconstruction by Priority

Problem Map

DIY: Subarray Sum Equals K

DIY: Missing Element in a Sorted Array

DIY: Course Schedule

DIY: Course Schedule II

DIY: Sequence Reconstruction

DIY: Concatenated Words

DIY: Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses

DIY: Design Add and Search Words Data Structure

DIY: Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree

DIY: String Compression

DIY: Regular Expression Matching

DIY: Wildcard Matching

DIY: 24 Game

DIY: Flatten Nested List Iterator

DIY: Frog Jump

DIY: Queue Reconstruction by Height

DIY: Reverse Words in a String

DIY: Single Element in a Sorted Array