
Example custom source plugin for Bundler

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a simple boilerplate custom source for Bundler. Still a work in progress. You need to use my fork to work http://github.com/suhastech/bundler

gem build bundler-custom-source.gemspec
gem install bundler-custom-source-0.0.0.gem

After this, the plugin can be used in bundler by having this in the Gemfile

plugin "custom-source"

gem "something", :custom => "passing-something"

While including the plugin, the name of your plugin should be "bundler-plugin-name" Users can then include it by

plugin "plugin-name"

The :custom parameter is registered in this Plugin. You can have anything maybe :svn, :s3

You can define it as shown in lib/bundler-custom-source.rb. The implementation is done in lib/source.rb