

This software repository contains an experimental software implementation of an algrebraic algorithm based on constrained multilinear seiving for solving a set of pattern-detection problems in temporal graphs. It is a parameterised algorithm, which runs in edge-linear time and the exponential complexity is restricted to size of the multiset query. The software is written in C programming language.

This version of the source code is realeased for ICDM - 2019 submission titled "Pattern detection in large temporal graphs using algebraic fingerprints". The source code is provided for the sole purpose of ensuring the reproducibility of the experimental results. A modularised version of this software will be release as open source in the camera-ready version of this paper.


The source code is subject to MIT license.


The source code is configured for a gcc build. Other builds are possible but it might require manual configuration of the 'Makefile'.

Use GNU make to build the software. Check 'Makefile' for more details.

make clean all

Using the software


./LISTER <-oracle/first> -pre <0/1/2/3> -in <input file> -seed <random seed>


    -oracle/first       : <oracle> to decide the existence of a solution
                          <first> extract a solution
    -pre <0/1/2/3>      : <0> no preprocessing
                          <1> preprocessing step-1
                          <2> preprocessing step-2
                          <3> preprocessing step-1 and step-2
    -in <input file>    : read from <input file>
                          read from <stdin> by default
    -seed <random seed> : random seed input

Input file format

We use dimacs format for the input graph. An example of input graph is available in input-graph.g.

Parameter line

The first line of the input graph specifies the graph parameters:

p motif nodes edges timestamp is-dir

    nodes     : number of nodes
    edges     : number of edges
    timestamp : maximum number of timestamps
    is-dir    : 0, undirected graph
                1, directed graph

Edge line

A line starting with e describe an edge
e src dest time

    src       : vertex id of source  
    dest      : vertex id of destination  
    time      : edge timestamp  

Shade line

A line starting with n decribe the color shade n node color

    node      : vertex id
    color     : color id in range 1 to 30

Query line

A line starting with k specify the query parameters k count <shade-list>

    count      : path length
    shade-list : list of colors in query


$ ./LISTER -oracle -pre 0 -in input-graph.g

    invoked as: ./LISTER -oracle -pre 0 -in input-graph.g  
    no random seed given, defaulting to 123456789  
    random seed = 123456789  
    input: n = 10, m = 28, k = 4, t = 5 [0.06 ms] {peak: 0.00GiB} {curr: 0.00GiB}  
    build query: [zero: 8.21 ms] [pos: 0.04 ms] [adj: 0.02 ms] [adjsort: 0.02 ms] [shade: 0.01 ms] done. [8.89 ms] {peak: 0.00GiB} {curr: 0.00GiB}  
    no preprocessing, default execution  
    command: run oracle  
    oracle [temppath]: 0x8555131F14296FB9 0.50 ms [0.13GiB/s, 0.01GHz] 1 {peak: 0.00GiB} {curr: 0.00GiB} -- true
    command done [0.00 ms 0.23 ms 0.23 ms]  
    grand total [12.01 ms] {peak: 0.00GiB}  
    host: cs-119  
    build: multithreaded, prefetch, k_temp_path_genf, 2 x 256-bit AVX2 [4 x GF(2^{64}) with four 64-bit words] 
    compiler: gcc 5.4.0

The line command done [0.00 ms 0.23 ms 0.23 ms] specifies the runtime of execution.
Here the first time 0.00 ms is preprocessing time, decision/extraction time is 0.23 ms and total time is 0.23 ms.

The grand total [12.01 ms] {peak: 0.00GiB} report the total runtime, which include graph-read time, query-build time, preprocess time and decision/extraction time. The memory usage reported in this line is the peak memory usage of the total run.

The reported runtimes are in milliseconds.