
#statistics #predictive modeling

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Study List

Time Series

  • ARIMA_monthly data
  • ARIMA_weekly data
  • Time-series_reference

Applied Predictive Modeling

  • Chapter03_Data Preprocessing
  • Chapter04_Overfitting and ModelTuning
  • Chapter05_Measuring Performance in Regression Models
  • Chapter06_Linear Regression and Its Cousins
  • Chapter07_Non-Linear Regression Models
  • Chapter11_Measuring Performance in Classification Models
  • Chapter12_Discriminant Analysis and Other Linear Classification


  • Chapter05_Random Variable
  • Chapter06_Sampling Distribution
  • Chapter07_estimation
  • Chapter08_Test
  • Chapter09_Linear-Regression
  • Chapter09_multi-regress-diagnostics
  • Chapter10_ANOVA
  • Chapter12_non-parametric-statistics


  • 003_aggregation
  • 004_join
  • 005_Split
  • 006_generate
  • 007_spread
  • 008_number
  • 009_category


  • Chapter1_하둡의 탄생과 생태계의활용
  • Chapter2_하둡설치
  • Chapter3_하둡분산파일시스템이해
  • Chapter4_하둡명령어실습
  • Chapter5_맵리듀스