
A dockerized chipwhisperer 5 for easy installation.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A dockerized chipwhisperer 5 for easy installation.


This docker image is running in privileged mode and can pwn the host machine.

The dockerized chipwhisperer should only be run on a trusted machine. The password to Jupyter is currently passed in cleartext via the environment. Also note that the default run.sh exposes the Jupyter notebook on the network, and not just locally. The notebook is also served via HTTP, so authentication tokens are sent unencrypted.


To install, simply copy and load the newae udev rules and build the docker image:

sudo cp 99-newae.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
docker build -t <yourtagname> .

Edit the run.sh and change the DOCKER_IMAGE variable to the tag you chose when building the container


To run, simply run run.sh with a supplied authentication token and a directory that should be used as the workspace. Make sure that you supply an absolute path.

./run.sh start testpassword /home/chipwhisperer/chipwhisperer

Open Container Shell

To access a bash shell in the conatiner run the command:

./run.sh connect


The Jupyter Notebook should then be running on port 8888. You can visit it by simply going to

Full installation example:

sudo cp 99-newae.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
docker build -t suidroot/cw .

# Clone example projects
git clone --recursive https://github.com/newaetech/chipwhisperer.git
./run.sh start testpassword ${PWD}/chipwhisperer

# Now go to in a browser!