
This code will recovery a wallet (specifically Ledger Nano S) where the wrong PassPhrase (24 word Mnemonic) was written down incorrectly. Currently assumes one word is in error.

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This code will recovery a wallet (specifically Ledger Nano S) where the wrong PassPhrase (24 word Mnemonic) was written down. Currently assumes one word is in error. If this is not the case the program would need to be modified.

The current scripts, GetMnemonicPhrases.rb and generate_keystore_w_correct_address.py will take two pieces of information, 1st what you think is your 24 word passphrase, and a receive address (for example you transferred bitcoin to an address generated by wallet (nano)). In my case I knew my 1st receive address and the code is configured for that. If you do not know which is first address then code will need to be changed to deal with this.

The programs will recover both bip44 and bip49 based addresses. To change to bip44 uncomment the bip44 line in the code and put the bip49 as a comment.

Always remember you have to remove the file Possible_Valid_Info_0 from the Passphrase_Recovery and the sub-directory segwit-ry p2sh every time you rerun bash_run. Please read - README.1st.