
Stargazer Subscriber Backend is the python backend of Stargazer Subscriber.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Stargazer Subscriber Backend

Publish Docker

Stargazer Subscriber Backend is the python backend of Stargazer Subscriber.

It communicates with MongoDB and PyStargazer, expose a set of endpoints to the management webui, and query user info for stargazer bots.

Generally speaking, all affairs related to users are handled by this backend.

Related Projects

PyStargazer - PyStargazer is a flexible vtuber tracker. It's now capable of monitoring Youtube live status, new tweets, and bilibili dynamic.

Stargazer Subscriber - Stargazer Subscriber is the universal frontend of stargazer bots.

Stargazer Telegram (@pystargazer_bot) - the telegram frontend for PyStargazer and Stargazer Subscriber Backend.

Stargazer QQ (2733773638) - The QQ frontend for PyStargazer and Stargazer Subscriber Backend.


  1. Make sure that PyStargazer is running and its restful apis are accessible.
  2. Start MongoDB.
  3. Generate an M2M_TOKEN and a SECRET_TOKEN, and keep them safe.
  4. Set the environment variables (M2M_TOKEN, SECRET_TOKEN, UPSTREAM_URL, MONGODB, HOST, PORT, ALLOW_CORS) accordingly and start the container.

Upstream URL: The base URL of restful apis.

MongoDB URL: mongodb://<db_url>:<db_port>/<database>/<collection>

Note: '/' is not allowed in database & collection name


This project is licensed under MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.