
Manage zabuton for Hubot users

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Zabuton (座布団)

Hubot plugin that allows you to give and remove zabuton (座布団) from a given user.

This plugin won't make much sense to you unless you've seen the TV show Shōten (Japanese link, English link).



  • hubot give number zabuton to username - award number zabuton to username
  • hubot give username number zabuton - award number zabuton to username
  • hubot take number zabuton from username - take away number zabuton from username
  • hubot how many zabuton does username have? - list how many zabuton username has
  • hubot take all zabuton from username - removes all zabuton from username


  • '座布団' can be in kanji, hiragana or katakana: (座布団|ざぶとん|ザブトン)

  • You may suffix the commands with any text you like

  • e.g., nateの座布団全部取っちまえ!

  • hubot usernameに座布団number枚 - award number zabuton to username

  • hubot username(から|の)座布団number枚 - take away number zabuton from username

  • hubot username(、|\s)?(寒い|さむい|サムイ|さみー) - take away 1 zabuton from username

  • hubot usernameは?座布団何枚 - list how many zabuton username has

  • hubot username(から|の)座布団全部 - removes all zabuton from username


This plugin was based heavily on brettlangdon's points plugin.


Copyright (c) 2014 Nathaniel Heinrichs

This package is released under The MIT License (MIT)