Certificate Authority for The BPM Group Development Team


This is a docker container that creates :

  • ROOT Private Key for generating Certificate Signing Request
  • ROOT Certificate Signing Request
  • ROOT Certificate for Certificate Authority
  • INTERMEDIATE Private Key for generating Intermediage Certificate Signing Request
  • INTERMEDIATE Certificate Signing Request
  • INTERMEDIATE Certificate
  • INTERMEDIATE Chain of Trust Certificate

All this is created on build. Additionally it also installs Postfix and configures it as an SMTP relay for gmail.

To Use this container to generate certificates

Clone the repo

docker-compose up
docker exec -it containerid bash
sh ./root/scripts/gencert.sh desireddomain.com emailtosendcertsto.co.uk


sh ./root/scripts/gencert.sh example.com suityou01@yahoo.co.uk

Then your certificates will be sent as attachments to suityou01@yahoo.co.uk with the following attached

  • chain of trust certificate
  • new certificate
  • new key