
React Native renderer for AdaptiveCards

Primary LanguageTypeScript


React Native renderer for AdaptiveCards.

Sample Screenshot

Getting Started

Basic Usage

  1. Installation
$ npm install git+https://msasg.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/Bing_Cortana/_git/react-native-adaptivecards

or by Yarn

$ yarn add git+https://msasg.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/Bing_Cortana/_git/react-native-adaptivecards
  1. Impementation
  • Import to the component where you want to show an AdaptiveCards
import AdaptiveCard from 'react-native-adaptivecards';
  • Send initial props
    <AdaptiveCard adaptiveCard={} overrideStyle={} />


Prop default Type Description
adaptiveCard - object Json object based on AdaptiveCards schema
overrideStyle {...} object Customized styles


$ cd examples
$ yarn
$ react-native run-ios