
Endoscopy Image Processing & Classification. Academic project as a part of the course AI in Biomedicine. Classify using pre-trained InceptionNetv3 and EfficientNetB2 classifiers and compare the accuracy.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Endoscopy Image Processing & Classification. Academic project as a part of the course AI in Biomedicine. Classify using pre-trained InceptionNetv3 and EfficientNetB2 classifiers and compare the accuracy.

First add requirements.txt file

Then download dataset from https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/francismon/curated-colon-dataset-for-deep-learning and extract it in the same folder

Then run the jupyter notebook for InceptionV3.ipynb for implementing the InceptionV3 model

Then run the jupyter notebook for Efficient.ipynb for implementing the Efficient model