
Sample exercise for E2E testing in Cypress

Primary LanguageVue



This project is a Vue CLI generated SPA. It contains two routes of interest. Specifically, /login is used to sign in users and /register is used to register new users. Your task is to expand upon the existing login test and add tests for the registration page. The end-to-end Cypress tests can be found in tests/e2e/specs/. Documentation for Cypress can be found here: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/overview/why-cypress.html#In-a-nutshell

Getting started

  • Fork this repository and clone your fork using git clone <YOUR_REPO>
  • Once you have cloned the repo, run npm ci to fetch the required NPM dependencies
  • Run npm run serve to start the application
  • Navigate to http://localhost:<PORT_FROM_PREVIOUS_STEP>/login to ensure that you are able to build and interact with the app
  • In order to trigger a successful login (given that there is no backend service for this SPA), the credentials are email: super@secret.com and password: 1234567890
  • After you have played around with the /login and /register routes and exercised the various invalid form inputs, you can run the existing E2E Cypress tests by running: npm run test:e2e (or to run the tests in a headless fashion npm run test:e2e -- --headless)

Submitting your solution

Once your fork has the necessary tests added, please make a pull request against this repository.