
TA-Reimbursement-Project contains source code folder named TA_reimbursementProject, which comprises of-:

  1. home:
    It is the app of our project maintaining various files namely -:

    (i) admin.py: used to register various models of our project.

    (ii) models.py: which maintain various models(class implementation) of our project.

    (iii) urls.py: maintains various urls of different pages.

    (iv) views.py: used to store different attributes/information for storing in database.

    (v) apps.py: contains file created so as to include configuration for the app.

    (vi) forms.py: used for user authentication

  2. TA_reimbursementProject:
    It is our Django project containing:
    (i) settings.py which maintains various settings and also used for registering apps in Django project.

    (ii) urls.py which contains url to various app of our project.

    (iii) asgi.py and wsgi.py which contain standard python source files

  3. templates:
    It has the HTML source files. The major files used are:

    (i) application: which contains Application Form

    (ii) base: which contains common header and footer (basic layout)

    (iii) baseportal: this contains basic formulation for standard prompt and messages which appear confirming successful, login etc.

    (iv) form: which contains Claim Bill

    (v) index: which is our main page

    (vi) login: This is our login page for looging already registered user along with option for registering new users.

    (vii) register: which is our register page for registering new users.

    (viii) status: This is the page for viewing status of user.

    (ix) user_profile: this is profile of registered user.

    (x) filledform: displays the filled form

  4. db.sqlite3:
    SQLITE3 file which is the standard database of Django framework.

  5. manage.py: Inbulit python file containing basic implementation of framework.

How to Run

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/mohitg20/TA-Reimbursement-Project.git
cd TA_reimbursementProject

Install all the dependencies Run the server:

python manage.py runserver

Go on the localhost web address which must have been printed on the terminal.