
For the WEB3 X ANIME community. Upvote & make your group upvote your favorite anime to the community & make it the top rated here.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

anime3 logo

This project is built for fun for the Web3 X Anime community.
Upvote ⬆️ your favorite anime here, share it to your frens, and make your favorites the top rated one!!!

PS: May expand to more general content on feedback.


Check it out here.

The project directory is a react app with an additional folder backend/ containing smart contract logic built using hardhat, and deployed to goerli testnet.

PS: click the links to get started setting it up.

Local setup

In this directory

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.\

In the backend/ directory

npx hardhat run scripts/?

  • you can run scripts/run.js OR scripts/deploy.js for testing changes in contract locally and deploying it to goerli testnet respectively.

We're using Quicknode's services here, you can use a service of your choice.

hardhat.config.js contains object values url and accounts for your own Quicknode's goerli URL & your ethereum account's private key.

Use dotenv to export the values and be sure to not commit it.


  • We're using gogoanime's API endpoints for search data. Shoutout to the builders !!!

  • It's all open-source, pick it up, improve, build or suggest/open a PR to make it more fun and expand features.

Copyright: MIT