While aca/emmet-ls works for what I need, there were a couple of things that annoyed me from time to time and while trying to fix one of those things (aca/emmet-ls#55) I've discovered that we can leverage microsoft/vscode-emmet-helper and make a simple language server that wraps that package to provide completions.
So I decided to do that and it worked!
The most important thing is that microsoft/vscode has an excellent integration with emmet and we can have that, in all editors that implement the Language Server Protocol.
Warning I've decided to rename the package to
for mason/lspconfig integration. Please remove the old@olrtg/emmet-ls
package and migrate to this new one.
Using Homebrew:
brew tap youngmoguler/emmet-language-server
brew install emmet-ls
Using npm:
npm i -g @olrtg/emmet-language-server
Using mason.nvim:
:MasonInstall emmet-language-server
Note Want deeper integration (eg. wrap with abbreviation)? Check out nvim-emmet.
With nvim-lspconfig:
Remember that if you don't need to support a new filetype or change the default settings of the language server you don't need to pass a table to the setup
function (like this: lspconfig.emmet_language_server.setup()
filetypes = { "css", "eruby", "html", "javascript", "javascriptreact", "less", "sass", "scss", "svelte", "pug", "typescriptreact", "vue" },
-- Read more about this options in the [vscode docs](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/emmet#_emmet-configuration).
-- **Note:** only the options listed in the table are supported.
init_options = {
--- @type string[]
excludeLanguages = {},
--- @type table<string, any> [Emmet Docs](https://docs.emmet.io/customization/preferences/)
preferences = {},
--- @type boolean Defaults to `true`
showAbbreviationSuggestions = true,
--- @type "always" | "never" Defaults to `"always"`
showExpandedAbbreviation = "always",
--- @type boolean Defaults to `false`
showSuggestionsAsSnippets = false,
--- @type table<string, any> [Emmet Docs](https://docs.emmet.io/customization/syntax-profiles/)
syntaxProfiles = {},
--- @type table<string, string> [Emmet Docs](https://docs.emmet.io/customization/snippets/#variables)
variables = {},
Without nvim-lspconfig:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "FileType" }, {
pattern = "astro,css,eruby,html,htmldjango,javascriptreact,less,pug,sass,scss,svelte,typescriptreact,vue",
callback = function()
cmd = { "emmet-language-server", "--stdio" },
root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find({ ".git" }, { upward = true })[1]),
-- Read more about this options in the [vscode docs](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/emmet#_emmet-configuration).
-- **Note:** only the options listed in the table are supported.
init_options = {
--- @type string[]
excludeLanguages = {},
--- @type table<string, any> [Emmet Docs](https://docs.emmet.io/customization/preferences/)
preferences = {},
--- @type boolean Defaults to `true`
showAbbreviationSuggestions = true,
--- @type "always" | "never" Defaults to `"always"`
showExpandedAbbreviation = "always",
--- @type boolean Defaults to `false`
showSuggestionsAsSnippets = false,
--- @type table<string, any> [Emmet Docs](https://docs.emmet.io/customization/syntax-profiles/)
syntaxProfiles = {},
--- @type table<string, string> [Emmet Docs](https://docs.emmet.io/customization/snippets/#variables)
variables = {},
Install normally with npm/pnpm, then add the following to languages.toml
name = "html"
language-server = { command = "emmet-language-server", args = ["--stdio"] }
- @aca for the first language server (aca/emmet-ls)
- @wassimk for bringing the microsoft/vscode-emmet-helper repo to my attention in aca/emmet-ls#55
- microsoft/vscode for having such an amazing integration with emmet and the easy and open package to integrate with
- emmetio/emmet for the awesome tool