SOTU Text Generation

We have trained models on SOTU texts and then they can generate texts.

We have 5 language models

  • Clinton
  • GWBush
  • Obama
  • Trump
  • All of it (last4)

All models are stored here

See below for notes. has more developer notes



Training takes a while, easily 20 minutes to 4-5 hours.

We have two notebooks

  • one for training : for experimenting
  • and one for predicting


And I have python scripts that generates multiple models in one go.

Model Serving

A flask application in model-serving directory. See model-serving/ for more details.

Experimenting with Models

I wanted to experiment with various models.
Pretty much all models overfit (large degree)

Data charecteristics

Data Total number of words Total unique words max sequence len
Clinton 51,977 4,526 284
GWBush 44,282 4,701 182
Obama 53,895 4,957 132
Trump 22,349 3,539 159
all 172,503 8,934 284

Model 1 - Smaller Model

This model surprisingly works well.
And achieves pretty good training accuracy (around 90%) on most texts

# model 1
model_version = "1"
model = Sequential([
            Embedding(input_dim=num_unique_words, output_dim=100, input_length=max_sequence_len-1),
            Dense(num_unique_words, activation='softmax')

              optimizer = 'adam',

cb_early_stop = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='accuracy', 
                          min_delta=0.01, patience=10, verbose=1)

history =, ys, validation_split=0.2, epochs=500, 
                    verbose=1, callbacks=[tensorboard_callback, cb_early_stop])
Data Parameters Model Size Epochs Accuracy % Training Time
Clinton 1,120,934 13.5 MB 130 92.12 1 hour, 57 minutes and 48 secs
GWBush 1,161,009 14.0 MB 109 96.96 1 hour, 2 minutes and 22 seconds
Obama 1,219,633 14.7 MB 146 89.15 1 hour, 19 minutes and 48 seconds
Trump 894,911 10.8 MB 90 94.41 22 minutes and 11.32 seconds
all 2,130,366 25.6 MB 99 63.70 4 hours, 48 minutes and 30 seconds

Model 2 - 2 biLSTMs

model = Sequential([
            Embedding(input_dim=total_words, output_dim=100, input_length=max_sequence_len-1),
            Bidirectional(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True)),
            Dense(total_words, activation='softmax')

              optimizer = 'adam',

cb_early_stop = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='accuracy', 
                        min_delta=0.05, patience=20, verbose=2)

history =, ys, validation_split=0.2, epochs=500, 
                    verbose=1, callbacks=[tensorboard_callback, cb_early_stop])
Data Parameters Model Size Epochs Accuracy % Training Time
Clinton 1,219,750 14.7 MB 148 91.35 3 hours, 21 minutes and 25.89 seconds
GWBush 1,259,825 12.2 MB 129 94.72 1 hour, 38 minutes and 45.70 seconds
Obama 1,318,449 15.9 MB 165 87.41 2 hours, 19 minutes and 3.25 seconds
Trump 993,727 12.0 MB 136 93.24 51 minutes and 54.15 seconds
all 2,229,182 26.8 MB 100 59.06 7 hours, 34 minutes and 17.98 seconds

Model 3 - 2 biLSTMs + Dropout

model = Sequential([
            Embedding(input_dim=total_words, output_dim=100, input_length=max_sequence_len-1),
            Bidirectional(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True)),
            Dense(total_words, activation='softmax')

              optimizer = 'adam',

cb_early_stop = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='accuracy', 
                        min_delta=0.05, patience=20, verbose=2)

history =, ys, validation_split=0.2, epochs=500, 
                    verbose=1, callbacks=[tensorboard_callback, cb_early_stop])
Data Parameters Model Size Epochs Accuracy % Training Time
Clinton 1,219,750 14.7 MB 176 77.44 4 hours, 25 minutes and 0.92 seconds
GWBush 1,259,825 15.2 MB 174 81.99 2 hours, 18 minutes and 40.00 seconds
Obama 1,318,449 15.9 MB 152 73.32 2 hours, 9 minutes and 36.04 seconds
Trump 993,727 12.0 MB 158 86.68 56 minutes and 41.30 seconds
all 2,229,182 26.4 MB 117 41.79 6 hours, 25 minutes and 27.42 seconds

Model 4 - biLSTM + DropOut + LSTM + Dense

This is from Laurence Moroney's Shakespeare notebook

from tensorflow.keras import regularizers

## Model 4: from
    model_version = "4"
    model = Sequential( [
        Embedding(num_unique_words, 100, input_length=max_sequence_len-1),
        Bidirectional(LSTM(150, return_sequences = True)),
        Dense(num_unique_words/2, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01)),
        Dense(num_unique_words, activation='softmax')
        optimizer = 'adam',
        # optimizer = Adam(lr=0.01)
cb_early_stop = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='accuracy', 
                        min_delta=0.05, patience=20, verbose=2)

history =, ys, validation_split=0.2, epochs=500, 
                    verbose=1, callbacks=[tensorboard_callback, cb_early_stop])
Data Parameters Model Size Epochs Accuracy % Training Time
Clinton 11,389,627 136.7 MB 163 65.56 2 hours, 48 minutes and 30.75 seconds
GWBush 12,221,101 146.7 MB 187 70.90 2 hours, 24 minutes and 30.99 seconds
Obama 13,495,981 162.0 MB 182 64.46 2 hours, 27 minutes and 30.20 seconds
Trump 7,258,199 87.2 MB 165 80.65 59 minutes and 38.71 seconds
all 41,723,279 500.7 MB 60 27.60 3 hours, 57 minutes and 24.50 seconds