
This is a working clone of the , "PharmEasy" they deliver medicines. PharmEasy is emerging as an integrated healthcare platform.

Primary LanguageHTML


PharmEasy.com Clone is website where user can buy medicine, book doctor's appointment. we build this using HTML, CSS and JavaScript . local storage used for user login and signup .

Fonts Google Fonts https://fonts.google.com/ DaFont https://www.dafont.com/ Icons Flat Icon https://www.flaticon.com/ Noun Project https://thenounproject.com/ Font Awesome https://fontawesome.com Material Icons https://github.com/google/material-design-icons Images Unsplash https://unsplash.com/ Pexels https://www.pexels.com/ MorgueFile https://morguefile.com what did we clone from the actual website:- We tried to implement a workflow where a user could do the following things. Register and/or log in with multiple users. Able to add and remove medicine in the cart. Able to order medicine. Able to get a discount from the coupon code. 5. Able to move to the checkout page. teammates and their contribution. a special thanks to my teammates Sujit,Shivom,Akash. they did a lot hard work to achieve this clone website .