
Project Work: Summer 1, 2018

Primary LanguageJava

Web Development CCS 5610 Summer 1, 2018 Project Work

App deployed on heroku and can be found on: https://nucode.herokuapp.com/

Repository link for the client side code: https://github.com/sandiri-s/webdev-summer1-project-client

Instructions to install the client side react application:

  • clone the repository from the above link
  • run this command: npm install
  • run this command to launch the application in the browser: npm start

Configurations required:

All configurations are correctly configured in the frontend application. No extra configurations are required. If you would like to run the application using your own database:

  • clone the server repository
  • set the database details as environment variables
  • then change the url wherever necessary in the client code to localhost instead of the already configured heroku links