
Conduit: A sleek Medium-inspired platform using React for frontend and Django Rest Framework for dynamic article management.

Primary LanguagePython


Medium clone for article writing and management.

Uses React for frontend and Django Rest Framework for Rest APIs.


  1. Install Python 3.7.2.
  2. Clone this repository: git clone git@github.com:sujithbattu/conduit-django.git.
  3. cd into conduit-django: cd conduit-django.
  4. Install virtualenv.
  5. Create a new virtualenv called "ENV": virtualenv ENV.
  6. Set the local virtualenv to "ENV": source ENV/bin/activate.

If all went well then your command line prompt should now start with (ENV).

  1. Install the required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. project should build and run with: python manage.py runserver

If your command line prompt does not start with (Env) at this point, try running source ENV/bin/activate or cd ../conduit-django.

If virtualenv is still not working, visit us in the Thinkster Slack channel so we can help you out.