=> Project Overview
simple server & frontend presenting a user with a 20x20 grid of squares the user can "draw" on to create a simple design.
- Login not needed to access the App.
- For each user a time based User name is randomly generated.
- A single board for all users (20x20 grid of squares).
- User should have a palette of colors.
- User can select the square in which the user can select color.
- Any user can Update the previously colored square (User independent) in realtime using websockets.
- Users favorite color & details will list in Dashboard.
- Appropriate testing should be in place.
Ruby version => ruby-2.4.2
Rails version => Rails 5.1.4
Color Palette => jquery-minicolors-rails
Testing Framework => Rspec
Database => psql
=> Test Env Run
- bundle exec rspec
=> Production Env Run
1.rake db:create 2.rake db:migrate 3.rails s