Convert Multiple Images into a Array and Different Color Spaces into a Array.
pip install images-into-array
conda install -c conda-forge images-into-array
Convert Multiple Images into a Array and Different Color Spaces into a Array.This package fuction requres three argument one is path of the images folder and other is image_height and image_width.
images_path = ('')
image_height = 'Enter The Image Size [32, 64, 128]'
image_width = 'Enter The Image Size [32, 64, 128]'
from images_into_array.images_into_array import images
array = images(images_path, image_height, image_width)
from images_into_array.images_into_array import rgb_gray
gray = rgb_gray(images_path, image_height, image_width)
from images_into_array.images_into_array import rgb_lab
lav = rgb_lab(images_path, image_height, image_width)
from images_into_array.images_into_array import rgb_hls
hls = rgb_hls(images_path, image_height, image_width)
from images_into_array.images_into_array import rgb_luv
luv = rgb_luv(images_path, image_height, image_width)
from images_into_array.images_into_array import rgb_hsv
hsv = rgb_hsv(images_path, image_height, image_width)
from images_into_array.images_into_array import rgb_ycrcb
ycrcb = rgb_ycrcb(images_path, image_height, image_width)
• conda install -c conda-forge opencv=4.2.0
• pip install shuffle
• pip install numpy
• pip install tqdm
MIT Licensed
Sujit Mandal