EVA4 Session 6 assginment
- Best Train Accuracy 98.41%
- Best Test Accuracy 99.58%
- Accuracy > 99.40 consistently more than 4 instances.
- Model performance is good as difference between train and test is small.
- Best Train Accuracy 99.42%
- Best Test Accuracy 99.57%
- L1 Regularization reduces the gap between test and train accuracy.
- Best Train Accuracy 99.59%
- Best Test Accuracy 99.54%
- L2 regularization improves train accuracy and reduce difference with test accuracy. Model performanc is better than L1 regularization.
- Best Train Accuracy 99.44%
- Best Test Accuracy 99.50%
- Results didn't improve by combining L1 and L2 regularization as compared just using L2 regularization.