Pear is built with the reference website "". It is an ecommerce website for electronic products with an eye-catching UI where the users can buy various electronic items, with customizable design selections.
Himanku Gogoi
Abhishek Chatterjee
Ujjwal Singh
Sameer Kumar Padhy
Vaibhav Jaware
Users can Login using Login Authentication with thier registered Email address or directlu login with Google-Gmail .
Admin Section is responsible for maintaining and updating and manipulating the data in the database .
On this journey we faced many issues, but we keep motivated each other with patience.
We learned the importance of pre-planning.
We all learned how to read and understand the code of other team members.
We learned the step by step execution of the project.
We learned the importance of effective communication, online-collaboration and team-work.
We learnt to resolve code conflicts in GitHub.
Source Code (GitHub link):-