
This is short overview of how I Implemented OIDC integration for unique AWS Cognito user pools, configured authentication rules for each user group, and helped in cost-effective budgeting plans within the cloud.


Hello! This is short overview of how i integrated OpenID Connect (OIDC) with AWS Cognito, configured authentication rules for different user groups for a Fintech Company from India.


1. OIDC Integration with AWS Cognito

I have successfully implemented OpenID Connect (OIDC) integration for unique AWS Cognito user pools. This project involved:

  • Setup and Configuration:

    • Created multiple AWS Cognito user pools to manage different sets of users.
    • Configured OIDC settings for authentication process.
  • Authentication Rules:

    • Defined and configured authentication rules for each user group (e.g., admins, regular user i.e branch manager, front staffs, loan manager etc).
    • Implemented MFA (Cognito > MFA & Verification Process > Make MFA required > Configured TOTP).
    • Applied password policies for better security (that means ).
  • IAM role for SMS (Optional) :

    `{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "sns:Publish", "Resource": "*" } ] }


##Overall Architecture


Thank you for reading!