Directory Structure:

There are 4 main folders in this directory:

  1. inputs
  2. outputs
  3. plots
  4. src

Inputs Folder:

  • Contains 2 subdirectories:
    • question_embeddings
    • answer_embeddings
  • Each subdirectory holds the corresponding embeddings in numpy (.npy) format.
  • The file names in both subdirectories must be consistent to ensure the code runs correctly. Refer to the sample files provided for the correct naming convention.

Outputs Folder:

  • Stores all the generated results in Excel sheet format.

Plots Folder:

  • Stores all the generated plots and histograms.

Src Folder:

  • Contains the code files. There are 4 main Python scripts which can be executed individually to get the desired results:

  • The Python scripts are self-sufficient and automatically take input embeddings and save outputs to the required folders.

Python Scripts Description:


    • Calculates correct, random, top k, and bottom k similarities for the embeddings.
    • Computes the CDF scores and saves the similarity and CDF plots in the plots folder.
    • Calculates P(Correct | Top-K) and P(Random | Top-K) at the 10th and 50th percentiles with confidence intervals for k = 5 to 100.
    • Stores the results in Excel files in the outputs folder.
    • Plots swimlanes which are saved in the plots folder.

    • Calculates bootstrapped accuracy and full data accuracies (accuracy_df) for k = 5 to 100.
    • Stores the results in Excel files in the outputs folder.
    • The swimlane for bootstrapped accuracies is saved in the plots folder.

    • Calculates Similarity Threshold and the corresponding accuracy.
    • Stores the results in Excel files in the outputs folder, including optimal threshold, baseline accuracy, accuracy with threshold, and percentile.

    • Calculates Isotropy scores (Isoscores), first order isotropy scores, and second order isotropy scores for all embeddings (both questions and answers).
    • Stores the results in Excel format in the outputs directory.

Library Imports/Requirements:

  • The following libraries are required and should be imported in each of the Python scripts:

    import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF from scipy import stats from scipy.stats import sem, t from scipy.stats import percentileofscore from numpy.random import default_rng import re import warnings from tqdm import tqdm import datetime from IsoScore import IsoScore