
This is a small social media web app here user can post images, and content, & they can update their post and user.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Blog app with analytics

This is a small social media web app here user can post images, and content, & they can update their post and user.


  • React
  • MUI
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Cloudniary ( for storing images)

For locally run this code

  • clone this repo
  • use npm i
  • npm start

Here are some Screenshot of my life social media web app

# Signup page
- first user have to login or sign up then they can access this website 
- You have to fill everyfeild and for name upto 50 character and bio upto 200 

# login page
- You have to fill everyfeild  

# Home page desktop view
- Here user can like and dislike the post

# Home page mobile view 

# Create post form
- Here user can select their image from their local 

# All User list 
- Here user can delete their accout and they can update 

# All User list - Here user can delete their accout and they can update

 # All Post list 
- Here user can delete their post and they can update 

# Top active users 

# Most liked post

# mobile view navbar