Identity Verification DApp

This repository contains a decentralized application (DApp) for identity verification using Hyperledger Fabric. The DApp consists of a chaincode (smart contract) for managing identity records on the blockchain and a client application to interact with the chaincode.


Ensure the following tools are installed on your system:

Repository Structure

├── chaincode/
|   ├── identity_verification/
|   |   ├── identity_verification.js
|   |   └── package.json
├── client/
|   ├── identity_verification_client/
|   |   ├── app.js
|   |   ├── package.json
|   |   └── wallet/
    └── test-network/
        ├── ...
        └── organizations/
            └── ...`


  1. Clone the fabric-samples repository

    Open your terminal and run:

    git clone

    This will download the Hyperledger Fabric samples including the test network.

  2. Download the required binaries and Docker images

    Change to the fabric-samples/test-network directory:

    cd fabric-samples/test-network

    Then, run the following command:

    ./ download

  3. Install chaincode dependencies

    Navigate to the chaincode/identity_verification directory in the identity-verification-dapp repository:

    cd path_to_identity-verification-dapp/chaincode/identity_verification

    Then, install the chaincode dependencies:

    npm install

  4. Install client application dependencies

    Navigate to the client/identity_verification_client directory in the identity-verification-dapp repository:

    cd path_to_identity-verification-dapp/client/identity_verification_client

    Then, install the client application dependencies:

    npm install

Deploying the DApp

  1. Start the test network

    Navigate to the fabric-samples/test-network directory:

    cd path_to_fabric-samples/test-network

    Then, start the test network:

    ./ up

  2. Create a channel and join the peers

    Run the following commands to create a new channel and join the peers to it:

    ./ createChannel -c mychannel

    / joinChannel -c mychannel

  3. Package, install, and initialize the chaincode

    Package and install the chaincode, approve the chaincode definition, and commit the chaincode definition to the channel:

    ./ deployCC -ccn identity_verification -ccp ../chaincode/identity_verification -ccl node -cci initLedger

    Replace -ccp with the path to the directory containing your identity_verification.js chaincode file.

  4. Test the DApp

    Navigate to the client/identity_verification_client directory in theidentity-verification-dapp repository:

cd path_to_identity-verification-dapp/client/identity_verification_client

  1. Register and enroll the application user

Before running the client application, you'll need to register and enroll a user with the Certificate Authority (CA) for the organization. Run the registerUser.js script to register a new user called "appUser":

node registerUser.js

This script will generate a new appUser identity and store it in the wallet directory.

  1. Interact with the chaincode using the client application

Use the app.js script in the identity_verification_client directory to interact with the chaincode. You can modify this script to call different chaincode functions and pass different arguments.

For example, you can test the createIdentity, getIdentity, updateIdentity, verifyIdentity, and deleteIdentity functions by modifying the app.js file and invoking the corresponding chaincode functions with appropriate arguments.

After modifying the app.js script, run the client application:

node app.js

The output will display the results of the executed chaincode function, such as the creation of an identity, retrieval of identity details, or the verification status of an identity.

  1. Shutdown the test network

Once you have finished testing the DApp, navigate to the fabric-samples/test-network directory and run the following command to shutdown the test network and clean up the environment:

./ down