
Compares SPOJ Users

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

#SpojUserCompare Developed by Sukeesh
About :
Compares two SPOJ users ( i.e., The no. of Problems Solved by two users and Problems solved by user1 , not solved by user2 ).
Still in developing mode.
Prequisites for Running this Script :

Beautiful Soup 3, It’s currently packaged with all major Linux distributions:

$ apt-get install python-beautifulsoup

It’s also published through PyPi as BeautifulSoup.:

$ easy_install BeautifulSoup

$ pip install BeautifulSoup

You can also download a tarball of Beautiful Soup 3.2.0.

If you ran easy_install beautifulsoup oreasy_install BeautifulSoup, but your code doesn’t work, you installed Beautiful Soup 3 by mistake. You need to run easy_install beautifulsoup4.

Running this script :

  1. Download the zip and extract it.
  2. After Extracting, run
  1. It will automatically install all the Required packages
  2. At Present, It doesn't have an UI.
  3. Still, It has many things to be added