China Media Analysis Project


This project analyzes social media data related to PRC State Media entities. It provides insights into followers, subscribers, sentiment analysis, language engagement, and platform-specific analysis.

Table of Contents


The dataset used for this analysis includes the following columns:

  • Name (English)
  • Name (Chinese)
  • Region of Focus
  • Language
  • Entity owner (English)
  • Entity owner (Chinese)
  • Parent entity (English)
  • Parent entity (Chinese)
  • X (Twitter) handle
  • X (Twitter) URL
  • X (Twitter) Follower #
  • Facebook page
  • Facebook URL
  • Facebook Follower #
  • Instagram page
  • Instagram URL
  • Instagram Follower #
  • Threads account
  • Threads URL
  • Threads Follower #
  • YouTube account
  • YouTube URL
  • YouTube Subscriber #
  • TikTok account
  • TikTok URL
  • TikTok Subscriber #


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd china_media_analysis
  3. Virtual Environment

    python -m venv venv
    .\venv\Scripts\activate  # On Windows
    source venv/bin/activate  # On macOS/Linux

    Once activated, your shell prompt should change to indicate that you are working within the virtual environment. Any packages you install or scripts you run will be specific to that environment.

  4. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install streamlit pandas plotly textblob scikit-learn matplotlib seaborn nltk spacy


Run the presentation script:

streamlit run

Author: suki-abkari