
Let's practice Git flow!

  • Pick an issue,
  • Create a branch from dev:
    • git checkout -b feat/blalba dev
  • Open a pull request to dev!

Once we have enough content to create a release:

  • Create a release branch from dev:
    • git checkout -b release/v1 dev
  • Commit the version number change

/!\ Any new feature coming after this goes to dev, and won't make it to production until the next release!

Spotting an issue on our release candidate?

  • Create a bugfix/v1-blabla branch
  • Open a pull request to release/v1 directly!

Ready to release?

  • Merge release/v1 in main.
  • Release!
  • Merge release/v1 in dev.
  • Delete release/v1.

For any issue discovered after the release, send hotfixes to main directly!

  • Create a hotfix/v1-blabla branch
  • Merge it both in main and dev.