
A boilerplate for a freeCodeCamp project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build a full stack JavaScript app that is functionally similar to this: https://sudoku-solver.freecodecamp.rocks/. Working on this project will involve you writing your code using one of the following methods:

- Clone this GitHub repo and complete your project locally.  
- Use our Replit starter project to complete your project.  
- Use a site builder of your choice to complete the project. Be sure to incorporate all the files from our GitHub repo.  

When you are done, make sure a working demo of your project is hosted somewhere public. Then submit the URL to it in the Solution Link field. Optionally, also submit a link to your project's source code in the GitHub Link field.

- All puzzle logic can go into /controllers/sudoku-solver.js
    - The validate function should take a given puzzle string and check it to see if it has 81 valid characters for the input.  
    - The check functions should be validating against the current state of the board.  
    - The solve function should handle solving any given valid puzzle string, not just the test inputs and solutions. You are expected to write out the logic to solve this.  
- All routing logic can go into /routes/api.js  
- See the puzzle-strings.js file in /controllers for some sample puzzles your application should solve  
- To run the challenge tests on this page, set NODE_ENV to test without quotes in the .env file  
- To run the tests in the console, use the command npm run test. To open the Replit console, press Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd if on a Mac) and type "open shell"  

Write the following tests in tests/1_unit-tests.js:

- Logic handles a valid puzzle string of 81 characters  
- Logic handles a puzzle string with invalid characters (not 1-9 or .)  
- Logic handles a puzzle string that is not 81 characters in length  
- Logic handles a valid row placement  
- Logic handles an invalid row placement  
- Logic handles a valid column placement  
- Logic handles an invalid column placement  
- Logic handles a valid region (3x3 grid) placement  
- Logic handles an invalid region (3x3 grid) placement  
- Valid puzzle strings pass the solver  
- Invalid puzzle strings fail the solver  
- Solver returns the the expected solution for an incomplete puzzle  

The following tests in tests/2_functional-tests.js

- Solve a puzzle with valid puzzle string: POST request to /api/solve  
- Solve a puzzle with missing puzzle string: POST request to /api/solve  
- Solve a puzzle with invalid characters: POST request to /api/solve  
- Solve a puzzle with incorrect length: POST request to /api/solve  
- Solve a puzzle that cannot be solved: POST request to /api/solve  
- Check a puzzle placement with all fields: POST request to /api/check  
- Check a puzzle placement with single placement conflict: POST request to /api/check  
- Check a puzzle placement with multiple placement conflicts: POST request to /api/check  
- Check a puzzle placement with all placement conflicts: POST request to /api/check  
- Check a puzzle placement with missing required fields: POST request to /api/check  
- Check a puzzle placement with invalid characters: POST request to /api/check  
- Check a puzzle placement with incorrect length: POST request to /api/check  
- Check a puzzle placement with invalid placement coordinate: POST request to api/check  
- Check a puzzle placement with invalid placement value: POST request to /api/check