
Synthetic Experimental Framework for hyper-personalized behavioral nudging

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Synthetic Experimental Framework

This repository includes a customizable simulated environment for testing different aspects of the agent/environment interaction in addressing the behavioral nudging personalization contextual bandit problem. The code was written around 2022 and may be a bit outdated now.

The findings from SXF contributed to the papers



  • Install conda / pip requirements via conda env create -f environment.yml
  • Activate conda environment with conda activate synthetic-experimental-framework
  • Modify experiment configuration in configs/config.yml as needed
  • Run a new experiment via python -m run_experiment, or load a recorded experiment exp_name via python -m run_experiment --load exp_name
  • Results of the experiment can be found in exp_data/exp_name/ directory

File Overview

  • environment.yml --- list of the required packages
  • configs/config.yml --- config file containing the experiment/envirnment/agent parameters
  • run_experiment.py --- main module to run the experiment
  • exp_data/ --- directory containing the experiment data, images, checkpoints

  • experiment_component/experiment.py --- setup the experiment
  • experiment_component/data_visualization.py --- compute and report results of an experiment

  • environment_component/environment.py --- setup the environment
  • environment_component/state_space.py --- setup the state space for the environment
  • environment_component/action_space.py --- setup the action space for the environment
  • environment_component/reward_function.py --- setup the reward function for the environment
  • environment_component/feedback_signal.py --- setup the feedback signal that is given to the agent

  • agent_component/agent.py --- setup the agent
  • agent_component/network_architecture.py --- setup the policy for the agent
  • agent_component/loss_function.py --- setup the loss function for the agent