
Netbox meets octoDNS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A NetBox source for octoDNS

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This project provides a NetBox source for OctoDNS. It retrieves IP address information from NetBox so that OctoDNS creates corresponding A/AAAA and PTR records.

Note: This is just a source for OctoDNS, not a provider. It only serve to populate records into a zone, cannot be synced to.


pip install octodns-netbox

Getting started

You must configure the url and token parameters in your YAML file to work with the NetBox API. You can also specify the TTL (Time to Live) for the generated records, but this parameter is optional, and the default value is 60.

    class: octodns_netbox.NetboxSource
    url: https://ipam.example.com
    token: env/NETBOX_TOKEN
    ttl: 60

A records / AAAA records

To create A/AAAA records for octoDNS, you need to manage the mapping between IP addresses and fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) in NetBox. The description field is used for this purpose, and it should contain a comma-separated list of hostnames (FQDNs).

Starting with Netbox v2.6.0, Netbox now has a dns_name field in IP address records. But we do not use this field by default because this dns_name field can only store single FQDN. To use a dns_name field, set field_name: dns_name in the configuration.

PTR records

octodns-netbox also supports PTR records. By default, only the first FQDN in the field is used to generate the PTR record, but you can enable multiple PTR records for a single IP by setting the multivalue_ptr parameter to true in the configuration.

🔍 Example (multivalue_ptr: false - default)

  • IP Address:
    • Description: en0.host1.example.com,host1.example.com
  • DNS Zone: 2.0.192.in-addr.arpa.
    • 1. PTR en0.host1.example.com.

🔍 Example (multivalue_ptr: true)

  • IP Address:
    • Description: en0.host1.example.com,host1.example.com
  • DNS Zone: 2.0.192.in-addr.arpa.
    • 1. PTR en0.host1.example.com.
    • 1. PTR host1.example.com.

Classless subnet delegation (IPv4 /31 to /25)

If you are using classless subnets in Netbox, you can automatically expand records for the following format zones:

  • <subnet>-<subnet mask bit count>.2.0.192.in-addr.arpa (RFC 4183 style)
  • <subnet>/<subnet mask bit count>.2.0.192.in-addr.arpa (RFC 2317 style)


Here is an example configuration for octodns-netbox:

    class: octodns_netbox.NetboxSource

    # Your Netbox URL
    url: https://ipam.example.com

    # Your Netbox Access Token (read-only)
    # This token should have read-only access to Netbox.
    token: env/NETBOX_TOKEN

    # The TTL of the generated records (Optional, default: 60)
    # Time to Live (TTL) specifies the time interval that a DNS record is stored in cache.
    # The default value of 60 is commonly used for dynamic DNS records.
    ttl: 60

    # Advanced Parameters:
    # The following parameters are optional and can be ignored for most use cases.

    # Generate records including subdomains (Optional, default: `true`)
    # If `false`, only records that belong directly to the zone (domain) will be generated.
    # This can be useful to reduce the number of DNS queries and avoid `SubzoneRecordException` errors.
    populate_subdomains: true

    # FQDN field name (Optional, default: `description`)
    # The `dns_name` field on Netbox is provided to hold only a single name,
    # but typically one IP address will correspond to multiple DNS records (FQDNs).
    # The `description` does not have any limitations so by default
    # we use the `description` field to store multiple FQDNs, separated by commas.
    # Other tested values are `dns_name`.
    field_name: description

    # Tag Name (Optional)
    # By default, all records are retrieved from Netbox, but it can be restricted
    # to only IP addresses assigned a specific tag.
    # Multiple values can be passed, resulting in a logical AND operation.
      - tag_name

    # VRF ID (Optional)
    # By default, all records are retrieved from Netbox, but it can be restricted
    # to only IP addresses assigned a specific VRF ID.
    # If `0`, it explicitly points to the global VRF.
    populate_vrf_id: 1

    # VRF Name (Optional)
    # VRF can also be specified by name.
    # If there are multiple VRFs with the same name, it would be better to use `populate_vrf_id`.
    # If `Global`, it explicitly points to the global VRF.
    populate_vrf_name: mgmt

    # Multi-value PTR records support (Optional, default: `false`)
    # If `true`, multiple-valued PTR records will be generated.
    # If `false`, the first FQDN value in the field will be used.
    multivalue_ptr: true

    class: octodns_route53.Route53Provider
    access_key_id: env/AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    secret_access_key: env/AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

      - netbox  # will add A/AAAA records
      - route53

      - netbox  # will add PTR records (corresponding to A records)
      - route53

      - netbox  # will add PTR records (corresponding to AAAA records)
      - route53


See the contributing guide for detailed instructions on how to get started with our project.
