
Java program to receive images via MQTT and publish to Social Media

Primary LanguageJava


This program allows the reception of base64 encoded images via the MQTT protocol and is able to send the received images to Social Media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

This program was part of a university module 'Project de spécialité' in the FabLab domain. Machine à café sourire

Running the program

NOTE: The program requires a running mqtt server to receive messages

- java -jar ImagesMQTT.jar [INPUT ...]
  -h --help         shows help
  -i --ip   <arg>   sets MQTT server ip
  -p --port <arg>   sets MQTT server port
  -height   <arg>   specifies image height
  -width    <arg>   specifies image width
  -t --twitter      use twitter
  -f --facebook     use facebook
  -as --automaticSocialMedia  update automatically on Social Media
  -ex --exampleImage          sends example image at the start of the program

Default values

  • -ip localhost
  • -port 1883. This is also the defaut port for the MQTT messaging protocol.
  • -height 480
  • -width 320
  • -twitter false
  • -facebook false
  • automaticSocialMediafalse
  • -exampleImage false

Received images

Both the received bit file and the transformed image are being stored in the images/ folder. Images are being named by the current time.

Example usage

Testing the program with an example image to the local ip. The example image is stored in the main folder as imagedata. The file represents the known Lenna picture in a 512x512 resolution, transformed into base64. Assumes local MQTT server (ex. mosquitto) is running. To verify the correctness of the program, an image should appear in images/ folder.

  java -jar ImagesMQTT.jar -ip -port 1883 -height 512 -width 512 -ex

Assuming non-local MQTT server with automatic Twitter and Facebook updates, but default image resolution.

  java -jar ImagesMQTT.jar -ip -t -f -as

MQTT specific messaging

The program is by default subscribed to the channel sourire, where all incoming communication is handled. This can be changed in the MainCoffeeClass at the variable mqtt_subscribed_topic.

The incoming images are assumed to be encoded in base64 and in BGR format, where the size of an image is heightwidth3 (Blue + Green + Red). An image in the default size is hence 480*320*3 = 460800 bits or 57.6 kilobytes. Although the MQTT protol is not made for big data transmission, the maximum size a message can have is 260 megabytes.

Updating to Social Media

If the automaticSocialMedia flag is set to false, it is up to the users to send the status update command. This is done in the sourire channel with the keyword Update to Social Media

Used libraries


Social Media authentification

To use this programs Social Media capabilities, it is necessary to copy the relevant OAuth data into the resources/twitter.properties and resources/facebook.properties files.

##Tests All unit testing is done via JUnit together with a test suite. Due to the nature of this program - very networking dependent - the main functionallities are not being tested with the unit tests.