
Simple TUI application for local debugging of prometheus application metrics

Primary LanguageRust

Pocket prometheus

Simple TUI application for local debugging of prometheus application metrics.


cargo install pocket-prometheus


$ pocket-prometheus help
Simple TUI for prometheus metrics scraping

Usage: pocket-prometheus <COMMAND>

  run          Run interactive TUI
  get-metrics  List all available metric names
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Run pocket-prometheus run --port [PORT]. This will start a TUI with metrics collector on the background. In the TUI, you can query metrics by their name.

Press escape to exit the application.

Example nodejs application

Start the example application.

$ git clone https://github.com/sukovanej/pocket-prometheus/
$ cd pocket-prometheus/nodejs-example-app/
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm start

In another terminal window, trigger pocket-prometheus run --port 3000 and try to type "lag_se". This will query for nodejs_eventloop_lag_seconds metric which is exposed from the nodejs application.

│ Query: lag_se                                                  │
  Help: <UP> / <DOWN> to move around, <ESC> to quit; Offset: 0

after 0s:
 - nodejs_eventloop_lag_seconds: 0
after 2s:
 - nodejs_eventloop_lag_seconds: 0.008147666
after 4s:
 - nodejs_eventloop_lag_seconds: 0.005280334
after 6s:
 - nodejs_eventloop_lag_seconds: 0.003070375
after 8s:
 - nodejs_eventloop_lag_seconds: 0.005113959

Run pocket-prometheus get-metrics --port 3000 to get a list of all metrics.