Welcome to my Github Page! 👋

Here is a little overview on my repositories and my plans for future projects.

ML, DL Experiments

In these Repository I want to gain experiences in different Algorithms. I haven't yet started with many of the projects, so the following list is used as a list of possible ideas. When started, I will link the repositories or parts to the list :)

Name Main Purpose Year Description
Fun with GAN Repository for GAN Networks 2021
  • GAN on MNIST
  • Conditioned GAN on MNIST
  • Analyse of latent state of GAN (planned)
  • GAN for Time Series Anomaly Detection
  • Compression using GAN or VAEs?
  • Neural Processes
  • GAN on Graphs
RL-ly Fun Repository for Implementation of Deep-Reinforcement Learning with focus on sample Efficiency 2021 Implementation and Comparison of
  • DDPG
  • TP3
  • SAC and variations
NLP Experiments (planned) Repository for Implementation of NLP algorithms. planned
  • Using and adapt BERT
  • Language Generation using GAN?
  • Reininforcement Learning in NLP
Graph DL Implementation of a Deep Learning algorithms on graph data. planned
  • GNN from Scratch
  • GNN For Image classification

Other Hobby projects

Name Main Purpose Year Description
Genflix GenflixTool to explore the hidden genres of Netlix 2021 Netflix has a big number of genres which they do not show. With Genflix I want to make them more accessible :)
arXis-analyzer Little tool to analyze the popularity of certain research topics 2021 It gives information about the number of posted papers on arXis.org based on certain topics. (e.g anomaly detection with and on graphs)


From time to time I am planning the participation in some Hackertons and co. The repositories are linked below.

Name Competition Year Description
SmartQ hackatum 2020 2020 Application to keep track on the amount of people within a shop
Datamining Cup Prudsys Datamining Cup 2020 2020 Prediction of future demand of an auctioneer's website.

University related

Below repositories are listed, which were created for university purposes. This also lists projects listed by group members.

Name Task Year Description
Fallstudie Design and implementation of a business simulation game 2016-2017 The task was to create a business simulation game, in which different players can run a company and compete against each other.
Background Jobs on mobile Minimum Example of using background jobs in mobile software engineering 2017-2018 The task was to create a minimum example and sufficient explanation on background jobs in mobile development.
The Mondaypainters Creation of an application which shows the use case of the Cassandra database. 2017-2018 Within this course we needed to showcase a database of our choice. We chose the Cassandra. Eventually we build a highly-scalable app to play the Mondaypainters with a huge amount of people. We based our idea on the Reddit Place Experiment
Sample-Efficiency in RL Implementation and Anylsis of the SAC algorithm. 2020-2021 Implementation of the Soft-Actor-Critic Deep-Reinforcement-Learning from scratch and analysis of different hyperparameter