
Specs for enabling ssh access to Kubernetes nodes

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Specs for enabling ssh access to Kubernetes nodes

Deploy Specs

kubectl create -f node-ssh-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f node-ssh-service.yaml

Get External IP for ssh

$ kubectl get service node-ssh-service
NAME               CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
node-ssh-service   22:30623/TCP   6m

You will ssh with the EXTERNAL-IP of the node-ssh-service. If you see <pending> under EXTERNAL-IP you will need to wait for the load balancer to issue an IP.

ssh to cluster node

ssh <cluster user name>@<EXTERNAL-IP>

For example:

ssh azureuser@

If your key isn't located at ~/.ssh/id_rsa then you will need to provide the key location using ssh -i.