
This is a curated list of amazing hackathon projects

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This is a curated list of awesome hackathon project.
Developers from different parts of the world have developed a lot of amazing projects during the hackathon on their Hashnode powered blogs.
Projects gets updated daily

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A Twitter Bot For Hashnode - Hashbot: A Twitter Bot For Hashnode

Autocomplete your CloudFormation Resources in VS Code - Autocomplete your CloudFormation Resources in VS Code

AI Voice Recognition app - AI Voice Recognition app

Awesome Tech blogs Platform - Awesome Tech blogs Platform

Awesome Photoshop in 6 Days - How I Built My Own and Awesome Photoshop in 6 Days

App which creates beautiful websites without writing a single line of code - App which creates beautiful websites without writing a single line of code

Calmly - A Simple Relaxation App - Calmly - A Simple Relaxation App

Cat Gallery - Cat gallery

Create creenshots from website URLs - Create creenshots from website URLs

Christmas greeting using CSS Animations - Christmas greeting using CSS Animations

Christmas Music Playlist - Christmas Music Playlist

Chrome extension to publish your Hashnode article to Dev.to - Chrome extension to publish your Hashnode article to Dev.to

Custom QR Codes - Create custom QR Codes

E-voting with Qrcode - E-voting with Qrcode

Focused Breathing Animation with CSS Animations & Keyframes - Focused Breathing Animation with CSS Animations & Keyframes

Instagram Filter - Create your instagram filter

Image & Video Background Removal using Deep Learning - Image & Video Background Removal using Deep Learning

Image Processing - Separating RGB pixels - Image Processing - Separating RGB pixels

Magic Painter - Magic Painter - Christmas hackathon project

Productivity App - Productivity App

Princess Finder using React, ml5.js, and Teachable Machine Learning - Princess Finder using React, ml5.js, and Teachable Machine Learning

Publish Articles in Zen Mode Using the Hashnode CLI - Publish Articles in Zen Mode Using the Hashnode CLI

Random Color Palette Generator - Random Color Palette Generator with Copy to Clipboard Functionality

React Chrome Extension - React Chrome Extension

React & Bootstrap Starter Template - React & Bootstrap Starter Template

Repositree - Github Repository Explorer - Repositree - Github Repository Explorer

ResumeCraft - Creating resumeCraft - An application that helps you create resumes.

Santa Meme And download - Santa Meme And download

Text summarization browser extension and web app - Text summarization browser extension and web app

Ticking Clock With REACT - How to Build a Ticking Clock With REACT

Trading Bot - Trading Bot

Web Scraping Application Using Laravel - Web Scraping Application Using Laravel