A simple SAT solver that implements the DPLL algorithm with unit resolution
- Achilles-10Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
- AlexiosX
- Alisahhh
- chuchongSchool of software, Tsinghua University
- crack521
- CristianSena17Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil
- danielSbastosResultadosDigitais
- DiShengOvO
- Dong-J93
- donghua100UCAS
- grosa1University of Molise - UNIMOL
- HengKuu
- hwhsu1231Taipei, Taiwan (China)
- iridium-soda
- JGEthanChenHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- JianDanKe
- KoukyosyumeiColumbia University
- lookuptables
- martingmsOslo, Norway
- night-killer
- pkuzjxPKU
- pranavmalode99
- robin-karlsson0Nagoya University
- SparkleFan
- SparkleStar88
- sqPoseidonZhejiang University
- t0hka1HangZhou CHINA
- The-Sunspot
- thetruth666HUST/WUHAN/CHINA
- uncttaoUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- v0id-reHDU
- VladimirVincan
- wyt2000IPRC @ ICT, CAS
- x213212Andes Technology
- ychSynopsys, Inc.