
Polyite: Iterative Schedule Optimization for Parallelization in the Polyhedron Model

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Polyite: Iterative Schedule Optimization for Parallelization in the Polyhedron Model


Polyite is a tool that iteratively optimizes the schedule of a program that is representable in the Polyhedron Model in order to exploit the computing capacity of a given multi-core hardware.

The exploration of the schedule search space can be done either at random or in a guided fashion using a genetic algorithm.

We describe the approach in detail in our TACO'2017 article Iterative Schedule Optimization for Parallelization in the Polyhedron Model.


Polyite is released under MIT license.

Polyite depends on LLVM, Clang, Polly, isl, libbarvinok and Armin Größlinger's implementation of Chernikova's algorithm. LLVM, Clang and Polly are released under the LLVM Release License or derivates of it. isl and Chernikova are released under MIT license. libbarvinok is GPL licensed.

Installation and Setup

We start from the bottom up with the dependences of Polyite and install everything inside the same directory, which could be your IDE's workspace.

We explain how to get Polyite running for the benchmarks from the Polybench 4.1 benchmark suite.

export BASE_DIR=$PWD


Polyite uses an extended version of Polly 3.9.1 (for the TACO'2017 we used 3.9) that is capable of importing schedule trees from our extended JSCOP format and further transforming the imported schedules, for instance by tiling them. Therefore, you must clone LLVM, Clang and Polly from our specially provided repositories.

  1. Create a root directory for LLVM
mkdir llvm_root
export LLVM_ROOT="${BASE_DIR}/llvm_root"
  1. Clone LLVM
git clone https://github.com/stganser/llvm.git
  1. Get Clang
cd ${LLVM_ROOT}/llvm/tools
git clone https://github.com/stganser/clang.git
  1. Get Polly
cd ${LLVM_ROOT}/llvm/tools
git clone https://github.com/stganser/polly.git
  1. Create a build directory for LLVM and build it using cmake
mkdir ${LLVM_ROOT}/llvm_build
cd ${LLVM_ROOT}/llvm_build
cmake ${LLVM_ROOT}/llvm

isl Scala Bindings

  1. Make sure you have libgmp and libclang (version 3.8) (both including headers) installed on your system, as well as libtool

  2. Get and build isl

cd ${BASE_DIR}
git clone https://github.com/stganser/isl.git
cd isl
mkdir install
export ISL_INSTALL="${PWD}/install"
./configure --prefix=${ISL_INSTALL} --with-jni-include=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/include/ --with-clang=system
make install
  1. Generate the bindings
cd ${BASE_DIR}/isl/interface
make isl-scala.jar
cp -r java/gen src
cp scala/src/isl/Conversions.scala src/isl
zip -r isl-scala.jar src

The last three steps include the source code of the bindings into the generated library.

Wrapper for the isl Scala Bindings

This subproject makes the isl Scala bindings accessible to Polyite.

  1. Clone the repository:
cd ${BASE_DIR}
git clone https://github.com/stganser/scala-isl-utils.git
cd ${BASE_DIR}/scala-isl-utils
export ISL_UTILS_ROOT=${BASE_DIR}/scala-isl-utils
mkdir libs
cp ${BASE_DIR}/isl/interface/isl-scala.jar libs
cp ${ISL_INSTALL}/lib/libisl*so* libs

Barvinok Library

libbarvinok provides an implementation of Barvinok's counting algorithm, which can be used to determine a polyhedron's volume. Since we do not have Scala bindings for libbarvinok, Polyite calls a small C-binary when it needs to determine a polyhedron's volume.

  1. Clone the repositories:
cd ${BASE_DIR}
git clone http://repo.or.cz/barvinok.git
cd barvinok
git checkout barvinok-0.39
export BARVINOK_INSTALL=barvinok/install
cd ${BASE_DIR}
git clone https://github.com/stganser/barvinok_binary.git
export BARVINOK_BINARY_ROOT=${BASE_DIR}/barvinok_binary
  1. Follow the projects' build instructions and make sure that you install libbarvinok to ${BASE_DIR}/barvinok/install.


This Scala library provides an implementation of Chernikova's algorithm to switch between the constraints representation and the generator representation of polyhedra.

cd ${BASE_DIR}
git clone https://github.com/stganser/chernikova.git
export CHERNIKOVA_ROOT=${BASE_DIR}/chernikova


The following steps describe how obtain Polyite itself and put everything together to run benchmarks from Polybench 4.1. Since we do not provide the configuration for a build tool, such as sbt, the easiest way to build Polyite is probably by using Scala IDE.

  1. Get the code:
cd ${BASE_DIR}
git clone https://github.com/stganser/polyite.git
export POLYITE_ROOT=${BASE_DIR}/polyite
  1. Download required libraries
mkdir libs

Now, download Scala 2.11.6 from http://www.scala-lang.org/download/2.11.6.html and copy scala-2.11.6/lib/scala-library.jar and scala-2.11.6/lib/scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.3.jar to ${POLYITE_ROOT}/libs

  1. Import the projects polyite and scala-isl-utils in Scala IDE/ Eclipse and build everything. Make sure that the libraries in ${POLYITE_ROOT}/libs are in your build path, as well as ${ISL_UTILS_BASE_DIR}/libs/isl-scala.jar. Make sure, that your Scala compiler assumes Scala version 2.11. Make chernikova and scala-isl-utils depend on the downloaded Scala version as well and make chernikova depend on scala-isl-utils.

  2. To use Polyite, one must execute one of the following scripts, depending on the desired execution mode. The scripts assume that you have OpenJDK 8 installed in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/ (the default location on Debian based systems).

  • run_genetic_opt to execute the genetic algorithm
  • run_rand_exploration to execute random exploration
  • run_rand_exploration_letsee to execute random exploration using the search space construction described in Pouchet et al., PLDI'08.

The script print_scop_size extracts several SCoP metrics during benchmark preparation.

In each of the scripts, set

  • ISL_UTILS_LOC to the value of ${ISL_UTILS_PATH}
  • POLYITE_LOC to the value of ${POLYITE_ROOT}
  1. To compile and execute a schedule in order to determine its profitability, Polyite starts the script measure_polybench.bash. At the top of script, set POLLY_INSTALL_DIR to the value of ${LLVM_ROOT}/llvm_build.

  2. The scripts in ${POLYITE_ROOT}/polybench_scripts/ are used to prepare Polybench 4.1 benchmarks for optimization with Polyite. They generate prepared LLVM-IR code, execute baseline measurements, compute reference output and generate configuration files for random exploration or optimization with the genetic algorithm.

  • In measureBaseline.bash set POLLY_INSTALL_DIR to the value of ${LLVM_ROOT}/llvm_build.
  • In prepare_benchmarks.bash set POLLY_INSTALL_DIR to the value of ${LLVM_ROOT}/llvm_build and POLYITE_LOC to the value of {POLYITE_ROOT}. This script can later be called to prepare a list of Polybench 4.1 benchmarks. You may want to adapt the values of the default configuration files that the script generates for each benchmark. Especially, set barvinokBinary and barvinokLibraryPath to the correct value in each of the prototype configurations. Compile ${POLYITE_ROOT}/config_help.tex to get a documentation of Polyite's configuration options.
  • The file polly_configurations.txt contains a list of Polly configurations that prepare_benchmarks.bash considers during the baseline measurements.

Install libpapi version 5.4.3.

  1. Download Polybench 4.1 and unpack the archive to ${POLYITE_ROOT}/polybench-c-4.1.

  2. Create symbolic links in polybench-c-4.1:

cd ${POLYITE_ROOT}/polybench-c-4.1
ln -s ../polybench_scripts/baselineCollectData.bash baselineCollectData.bash
ln -s ../polybench_scripts/polly_configurations.txt polly_configurations.txt
ln -s ../polybench_scripts/benchmarks.txt benchmarks.txt
ln -s ../polybench_scripts/collectAllBaselineResults.bash collectAllBaselineResults.bash
ln -s ../polybench_scripts/generateRefOut.bash generateRefOut.bash
ln -s ../polybench_scripts/measureBaseline.bash measureBaseline.bash
ln -s ../polybench_scripts/prepare_benchmarks.bash prepare_benchmarks.bash


To prepare benchmark gemm perform the following steps:

cd ${POLYITE_ROOT}/polybench-c-4.1
./prepare_benchmarks.bash true false false gemm

This creates the directory polybench-c-4.1/gemm with the following content:


There are

  • configuration files for random exploration and optimization with the genetic algorithm. To understand and modify these, compile and read ${POLYITE_ROOT}/config_help.tex.
  • several prepared LLVM-IR files. These are linked and can be compiled to a runnable binary.
  • A JSCOP file that contains the model of the SCoP to optimize.
  • A file containing reference output that was produced by a binary compiled with -O0. To change the code regions to optimize (Polyite can optimize one SCoP at a time) or change data set sizes, edit the file polybench-c-4.1/benchmarks.txt.

Now, you can run schedule optimization with the genetic algorithm:

./run_genetic_opt_openjdk polybench-c-4.1/gemm/kernel_gemm___%entry.split---%for.end40.jscop polybench-c-4.1/gemm/config_ga_gemm_kernel_gemm_%entry.split---%for.end40.properties

Depending on your configuration, this produces one JSON file per generation of the genetic algorithm, one CSV file and a directory containing one JSCOP file per schedule for manual application of the generated schedules. The JSON files contain all attributes of the generated schedules and can be read by Polyite, for instance, in order to restart an interrupted run of the genetic algorithm or to generate further generations.

Analogously, random exploration can be run, using

./run_rand_exploration polybench-c-4.1/gemm/kernel_gemm___%entry.split---%for.end40.jscop polybench-c-4.1/gemm/config_rand_gemm_kernel_gemm_%entry.split---%for.end40.properties

To use SLURM for the evaluation of your schedules, put something like the following into your configuration file:

measurementCommand=srun -Aduckdonald -pthebigcluster --constraint=fastest_cpu_available_plx --mem=32768 --exclusive -t31 -n1 ${POLYITE_ROOT}/measure_polybench.bash

It is important to use srun, since Polyite must be able into interactively communicate with the benchmarking script via STDIN and STDOUT. Polyite can pass a given numactl configuration to the benchmarking script.

(C) 2017, Stefan Ganser