Pothi.com Programming Task

Uses the Twitter Streaming API to track a given keyword and generate various reports about the tweets on console.

This is designed to run on Linux machines with Python 3 installed.


Use the package manager pip to install requirements from requirements.txt file as follows:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Steps to run:

  1. Include your credentials in twitter_credentials.py file and run the main script using python get_tweets_data.py.
  2. For first time run, it will download 2 nltk sources for parts of speech recognition to remove few words in tweets.
  3. As soon as it completes downloading the sources, you'll be asked to enter the keyword that needs to be tracked on twitter.
  4. Enter the keyword and hit enter.
  5. The script starts running and for every 1 minute it prints the data of last 5 minutes as mentioned in the task criteria in specific format - The format will also be printed console.
  6. For stopping the script, KeyboardInterrupt the script using CTRL + C. It will kill all the python running processes.