
BootStrapProject is sample demo project which is created as a purpose to use in the future project i create for my personal development or in my office place. I follow this project structure and practices at my office project and also want to continue to follow a good structure for future development. This structure will be updated continuosly if i change anything on better approach.

Platform Swift Version CocoaPods Compatible

This project is coded with MVVM architecure where we use a extra Service layer which provide data from to ViewModel from network api call or from local storage. We use reactive programming with RxSwift and RxCocoa here. Beside we also separate app's viewcontroller's initialization and navigation in reactive approach via RxFlow which is built in reactive approach and co-ordinator design pattern.


  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 10.0+

Project Setup

Clone the repository:

git clone
git clone

Open directory in terminal

  cd path/iOSBootstrapProject/

Install bundler if not installed

  gem install bundler

Run the following command in terminal on this project to install the dependencies



  bundle install --path vendor/bundle
  bundle exec pod install

Now, our project is ready to run on Xcode. Open project-name.xcworkspace file for using this project

Project Structure

/<Project Name>
	/Common				# Common loader, error message view etc.
		/Name 1
		/Name 2
 		/PersistanceManager 	# Core data, file base data storage manager here
		/Network		# Networking module for this project , handle all networking operation from here
			/Parameter	# Models - From which data will be passed to server from different CRUD operation
			/Response	# Models - Response from server will be parsed as Response type model and will be 						passed to upper layer
	/Dev 				# Dev environmet specific contents
	/Features 			# Contains all screen with ViewController, ViewModel, Storyboard files
		/Feature A		# Contains ViewController, ViewModel, Storyboard for Feature A
		/Feature B
	/Flows 				# Handle App Navigation with many flow using Coordinator pattern (uses RxFlow) 
	/Model 				# Contains model files 
	/Prod 				# Production environmet specific contents
	/Protocols			# Protocols used in different classes
	/Resources			# Contains assets + some other resources for this project
	/Services			# Contains Services used by different ViewControllers of this 
	/Stg				# Staging environmet specific contents
	/Utility 			# Hold some utility classes like Keymanager etc.



  • set colors with sRGB


  • use onNext instead of onError on Subject
func requestSomething() -> Observable<Result<ResponseType, ErrorType>> {
    let subject = PublishSubject<Result<ResponseType, ErrorType>>

    someRequest() { response, error in
        if let error = error {


    return subject