
Amacapy is a software that does web scraping to the Amazon website and publishes them on Telegram, searches the products by the keyword entered or the direct link of the product. Then you can publish these products on Telegram in a certain time. The technologies used were Flet, Beautiful Soup and Python.

Primary LanguagePython


Amacapy is a program that focuses on web scraping amazon.com, amazon.es and amazon.it. The data extracted are the price, title and URL of the products searched, then with the help of a Telegram bot created with Bot Father, these are published in a certain time.

Old version

Libraries and technologies used:

  • Python 3.10.1.
  • Beautifulsoup4 v4.11.1 and Requests v2.28.1 (For the web scraping)
  • Flet v0.3.2. (For the graphical interface)
  • Pandas v1.5.2. (For saving and manipulating information from xlsx files)
  • Pyshorteners v1.0.1. (To shorten the links of the publications)
  • How to use Amacapy?

  • 1. Create a bot with BotFather.
    • 1.1. Start a new conversation with the BotFather in Telegram.
      1.2. Send /newbot to create a new Telegram bot.
      1.3. When asked, enter a name for the bot.
      1.4. Give the Telegram bot a unique username.
      1.5. Copy and save the Telegram bot's access token for later steps.
  • 2. Install the necessary libraries. You can do it in the following way:
    • 2.1. Open the terminal in the path of the Amacapy program.
      2.2. Type: pip install -r requirements.txt.
      2.3. Wait for the installation to finish.
  • 3. Open the "main.py" file containing the main program.
  • 4. Add your data (amazon id, telegram token, chat id) in the configuration.
    • 4.1. Amazon ID: Your amazon affiliates tag.
      4.2. Telegram Token: It is the token obtained when creating the telegram bot with Bot Father.
      4.3. Chat ID: The name of the Telegram channel or Telegram group. Make sure the chat ID has no symbols or special characters.


  • 5. Search products.
    • 5.1. You can place the direct URL of a product or enter the keyword of the product you want to search for.
      5.2. Select Amazon region.
      5.3. Activate or deactivate quick search. (Optional).
      5.4. Press Enter in the search bar or click on the search symbol to start retrieving products.


  • 6. Search results.
    • 6.1. Modify the title or price of the products only by editing the text field.
      6.2. Select in "Check" the products you want to publish.
      6.3.Click on the button "Add to publish" to add them to the list of products to be published.


  • 7. Publication list.
    • 7.1. Verify name and price of the products to be published.
      7.2. Add how often (in minutes) you want the products to be published on Telegram.
      7.3. Press the Telegram button to start publishing. While it is posting, you cannot do other things in the program unless you press the "stop" button.


  • 7. History of published products.
    • 7.1. You can see the URL, title, price and publication date of the product.


  • 8. Modify the text displayed in the Telegram post (Optional).
    • 8.1. Go to "Settings" and click on the "Modify publication message" button located in other options.


  • 9.Add link shortener (Optional).
    • 9.1. Go to "Settings" and click on the "Modify Short URL" button located in other options.
      9.2. Select between Tinyurl, Is.gd and Da.gd.


  • 10. Supporting the developer.
    • 10.1. Activating the option that allows you to publish 1 product with the amazon affiliate tag of the Amacapy developer. It is published every 5 products published. (option enabled by default, you can disable it manually).


    Where are the data stored? (Do not manually delete or modify these files)

  • 1. The configuration is stored in the file: setting.xlsx.
  • 2. The search_product.xlsx file stores the data entered in the search screen (product keyword and Amazon region).
  • 3. The search result is stored in the file: search_result.xlsx.
  • 4. Products added to the publication list are stored in: list_publish.xlsx.
  • 5. The publish_on.xlsx file stores the products that are being published.
  • 6. The history.xlsx file stores the products that have been published, including their publication date.
  • 7. The custom Telegram post message is stored in the file custom_message.xlsx.
  • 8. The link shortener data is stored in the file: short_url.xlsx.
  • 9. The support_dev.xlsx file stores whether or not the developer will be supported by the affiliate link.
  • Thank you for using the program, you can support me through Paypal.

    You can contact me on Telegram.