#  This file is part of the Light Field Structure from Motion package.     #
#                                                                          #
#  This work is licensed under the Creative Commons                        #
#  Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.         #
#  To view a copy of this license,                                         #
#  visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.                #
#                                                                          #
#  Authors: Ole Johannsen, Antonin Sulc                                    #
#  Contact: first.last@uni-konstanz.de                                     #
#  Website: www.cvia.uni-konstanz.de                                       #
#                                                                          #
#  The package provides code for our ICCV'15 (Structure from Motion) and   #
#  and ACCV'16 paper (adding a bundle adjustment). If you use our work     #
#  we would kindly ask you to cite our below-mentioned papers. Thanks!     #
#                                                                          #
# @string{iccv="IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)"}  #
# @InProceedings{JSG15:iccv,                                               #
#   author = {O. Johannsen and A. Sulc and B. Goldluecke},                 #
#   title = {On Linear Structure from Motion for Light Field Cameras},     #
#   booktitle = iccv, year = {2015}, }                                     #
#                                                                          #
# @string{accv="Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)"}               #
# @InProceedings{JSMG16:accv,                                              #
#   author = {O. Johannsen and A. Sulc and N. Marniok and B. Goldluecke},  #
#   title = {Layered scene reconstruction from multiple light              #
#       field camera views}, booktitle = accv, year = {2016}, }            #
#                                                                          #

I. Introduction 

This package contains a matlab implementation of our ICCV'15 paper on 
structure from motion for light fields and, in addition, the bundle adjustment
implementation of the ACCV'16 paper on layered scene reconstruction.

In case you use our code please cite our papers mentioned in the header.

II. Running examples on our data

We prepared two examples, 
- a synthetic dataset 
- a Lytro Illum example 

Extract both into the "data" folder.

For the synthetic example please run the example.m file, for the Lytro Illum 
example the example_lytro.m file.

III. Running examples on other Lytro Illum datasets

We received many questions about how to run our code on other light fields 
from Lytro Illum. The entry requirement is to have an intrinsic calibration done, 
namely the H matrix (\cite{Dansereau_2013_CVPR}) needs to be computed. 
The calibration can be performed with the Light Field Toolbox 4.0 
(available online at http://dgd.vision/Tools/). 
You will need to take the following steps.

III.a. Download and install Light Field Toolbox 4.0 or newer
Available online http://dgd.vision/Tools/

III.b. Calibration
- Print a checkerboard calibration pattern with known parameters (or measure them)
- The checkerboard must have an unequal number of corners
- Take a few (~15) pictures of the checkerboard from slightly different angles
  without changing any parameters (focus, zoom). The wider side of checkerboard 
  must be horizontally aligned with the camera.

III.c. Copy decoding information from your Lytro and Decode the calibration images
- Add the Light Field Toolbox to your MATLAB path
- There should be a folder on your Lytro called IllumCaldata, copy it somewhere. 
- Copy the pictures of the calibration checkerboard somewhere and change your 
  MATLAB directory to the directory $PATH/IllumCaldata. 
- Run command 
  where DECODE_FOLDER is a folder with your newly captured checkerboard

III.d. Calibrate 
- Set up calibration settings, checkerboard size, and spacing between boxes (in mm):
    CalOptions.ExpectedCheckerSize = [$NUM_HORIZONTAL,$NUM_VERTICAL];
    CalOptions.ExpectedCheckerSpacing_m = [$WIDTH, HEIGHT];
    CalOptions.LensletBorderSize = 2;
  The last line usually gives better results.
- Run calibration
    LFUtilCalLensletCam($DECODE_FOLDER, CalOptions);
- After this add the calibration into your database by running command

III.e. Rectify your calibrated light fields
- Now you can take new images with the same settings (even a small change can have a 
  significant influence on quality) Please note, that there is an option to lock
  focus and focallength for the Lytro Illum.
- Run 
    DecodeOptions.OptionalTasks = 'Rectify';
    LFUtilDecodeLytroFolder($NEW_LYTRO_LIGHTFIELDS, [], DecodeOptions);
  where NEW_LYTRO_LIGHTFIELDS is a folder with newly captured light fields. Light field toolbox automatically adds the calibration matrix to the structures


author = {Dansereau, Donald G. and Pizarro, Oscar and Williams, Stefan B.},
title = {Decoding, Calibration and Rectification for Lenselet-Based Plenoptic Cameras},
booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2013}