UnoDropZone is a tool to easily create single image drop zone areas. The library will convert the targeted html elements into Drop/click area to allow loading a single Image. The loaded image automatically changes into a thumbnail.
The only requirement is include JQuery library before using UnoDropZone .
- Import UnoDropZone js/css files into html page.
- Define single drop zone areas by adding 'file-upload' class into each targeted html element.
- Call UnoDropZone.init() once the page finish loading. Here is an example:
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../lib/fileManager.css">
<script src="../lib/fileManager.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
<div class="file-upload" data-input-name="myFieldName">
Once image is uploaded a thumbnail image will be generated.
Image will be populated under hidden element with class 'info'. Currently the library generates the span element for Name and size information.
You can define a callback function to executed after loading the image, by adding data attribute called "data-unodz-callback". The callback passes only one argument into the executed function, which is a reference to the targeted drop zone.
unoDropzone comes with default message "Drop image in here or click to upload", which appears at the top drop zone on mouse hover. However, you can customize the message by one of the following ways:
- On init call: You can change the default message for all unoDropZone areas, by passing the custom message at initializing:
UnoDropZone.init('My Custom Message Here.');
- Using 'data-unodz-msg' attribute: in case you want a diffident custom message for drop zone area, all you need to do is to add 'data-unodz-msg' into the man container. For Example:
<div class="file-upload" data-input-name="myFieldName" data-unodz-msg="My Custom Message Here.">
The html structure consists of the following main areas:
- File input (with class: 'file-input'): contains the file input element
- Drop zone (with class: 'drop-click-zone'), contains the image thumbnail.
- Image info (with class: 'info'): Contains the loaded image information. this area is hidden be default. It can be used to lookup the following info:
- Name: image name with extension.
- Size: image normalized size value.
Here is how the html structure looks like:
<div class="file-upload" data-input-name="myFieldName" title="Name: xx Size: xx">
<div class="file-input">
<input name="myFieldName" type="file" accept="image/*">
<div class="drop-click-zone">
<div class="filethumbnail">
<img class="img" src="data:image/jpeg xx">
<div class="info">
<span class="name">xx</span>
<span class="size">xx</span>
<div class="message">Drop image in here or click to upload</div>
- data-input-name : name of the file input element. This is useful when submitting the file into your back-end server.
- data-unodz-callback : full function name to be called back after loading the image.
- data-unodz-msg : set a custom message for this particular drop zone area.
- UnoDropZone.init() : must be called after page finish loading to initialize all drop zones.
The library tested in the following browsers:
- Chrome
- Firefox
Here are the list of tasks that should be included next:
- Develop JS unit test.
- Include JS Document.
- Remove all JQuery dependencies in library and make pure it JavaScript.
- Add support to other Browser such IE.
UnoDropZone is an open source tool and welcomes contributions.
Suleiman Alrosan
UnoDropZone is under Apache License