Camera Trap Project using RasberryPi

This is a repository for Camera Trap Project using RasberryPi


Key Features:

  • 🍇 Usage of RasberryPi 4
  • 🚀 Usage of Motion Detection Sensor (PIR)
  • 📷 Usage of PiCamera
  • 🐍 Working on Python projects
  • 🧑‍💻 Basic Linux commends to install packages
  • 📱 How to train AI in simpler way
  • 🧠 Usage of AI on IOT project
  • 🔓 Firebase storage and real-time database
  • 📝 Fully IOT project


  • Raspberry Pi 4 Raspberry Pi 4
  • Picamera Picamera
  • Motion Sensor (PIR) Motion Sensor (PIR)

Cloning the repository

git clone

Install packages

These packages can be difficult to install and you may receive errors while installing. You can report any problems

sudo apt-get install python3-gpiozero python3-picamera2 python3-time python3-datetime python3-keyboard python3-threading python3-firebase python3-numpy python3-tensorflow python3-pil

Setup file

firebase_config = {
    'credential_path': '/path/to/your/credential.json',
    'storage_bucket': 'your-firebase-storage-bucket',
    'database_url': '',

Train your AI model if you want

I used Teachable Machine to train my model

You can find related dataset from kaggle

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