Name: PWM signal generator in VHDL
PWM is using in the many different kind applications. Servo motors, communication modulation. In this application, I choose 50Hz signal for servo motor compatibility.
50Hz signal is about 20ms on application.
- Project employment board is NEXYS A7-100T. According to datasheet, this board has own 100Mhz crystal oscillator. And It equals to 10ns cycles. Base counter must and equation is 20𝑚𝑠10𝑛𝑠=2,000,000
- I choose first three step are 1ms,1.5ms and 2ms. All these values are in the 5% and 10% values which is applicable of servo controls. Other selected points are 10 (25%), 16(40%), 20 (50%), 32 (80%) and 40 (100%). Percentage values are representation of duty cycles.
- Quick look at simulation for 200ms