Golang Clean Architecture for REST API

Sample Golang Clean Architecture for REST API

Tools used

  • Web Framework: Gin
  • Database: MySQL
  • Cache: Redis
  • Config file: Viper

Project Description

REST API for posting some content/message with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) capability added with caching feature.


Based on repository pattern, this project use:

  • Repository layer: For accessing db in the behalf of project to store/update/delete data
  • Usecase layer: Contains set of logic/action needed to process data/orchestrate those data
  • Models layer: Contains set of entity/actual data attribute
  • Controller layer: Acts to mapping users input/request and presented it back to user as relevant responses

API Endpoints

POST /api/v1/post

Creates a new post


    "title": "testing",
    "content": "contents",
    "image_url": "http://an.image",
    "category": "testing_post"

GET /api/v1/post

Get all posts

Examples responses:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "testing",
    "slug": "testing-1",
    "content": "contents",
    "image_url": "http://an.image",
    "category": "testing_post"

GET /api/v1/post/:id

Get post by id

Examples request:


Examples response:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "testing",
    "slug": "testing-1",
    "content": "contents",
    "image_url": "http://an.image",
    "category": "testing_post"

GET /api/v1/post/slug/:slug

Get post by slug

Examples request:


Examples response:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "testing",
    "slug": "testing-1",
    "content": "contents",
    "image_url": "http://an.image",
    "category": "testing_post"

GET /api/v1/post/title/:title

Get post by title

Examples request:


Examples response:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "testing",
    "slug": "testing-1",
    "content": "contents",
    "image_url": "http://an.image",
    "category": "testing_post"

DELETE /api/v1/post/:id

Delete post by ID

Examples request:


PUT /api/v1/post/:id

Update post by ID

Examples request:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "testing",
    "slug": "testing-1",
    "content": "contents",
    "image_url": "http://an.image",
    "category": "testing_post"

Examples response:

    "message": "Post successfully updated!"